Shin koihime mousou progress
Shin koihime mousou progress

Houtou Shigen ( 鳳統 士元, Houtou Shigen ? Pang Tong - Shiyuan )/ Hinari ( 雛里, Hinari ?): A strategist of Shoku, and close friends with Shuri, introduced in Shin Koihime†Musou.Shokatsuryou Koumei ( 諸葛亮 孔明, Shokatsuryou Koumei ? Zhuge Liang - Kongming )/ Shuri ( 朱里, Shuri ?): A strategist of Shoku, a strategist of the Hongou Faction in the original Koihime†Musou game, and close friends with Hinari.Chouhi Yokutoku ( 張飛 翼徳, Chouhi Yokutoku ? Zhang Fei - Yide )/ Rinrin ( 鈴々, Rinrin ?): A general and co-founder of Shoku, a general and co-founder of the Hongou Faction in the original Koihime†Musou game, and Touka and Aisha's sworn younger sister.Kan'u Unchou ( 関羽 雲長, Kan'u Unchou ? Guan Yu - Yunchang )/ Aisha ( 愛紗, Aisha ?): A general and co-founder of Shoku, a general and co-founder of the Hongou Faction in the original Koihime†Musou game, and one of the main heroines in the series.Ryuubi Gentoku ( 劉備 玄徳, Ryuubi Gentoku ? Liu Bei - Xuande )/ Touka ( 桃香, Touka ?): The queen and co-founder of Shoku, and one of the main heroines in the series, introduced in Shin Koihime†Musou.

Shin koihime mousou progress